Standard Chartered Bank
Offshore Labuan

Licence Labuan Bank No. 910005C

Labuan Office
AddressLevel 10F, Main Office Tower, Financial Park Labuan, Jalan Merdeka, 87008 Federal Territory Labuan, Malaysia.
Tel. No+6087-437500 / +6087-437503
Fax No+6087-437510 / +6087-437511
Contact PersonMr. Wong Tek Sieng
Corporate Profile / Background
Standard Chartered Bank, Offshore Labuan is one of the offshore financial institutions operating in International Offshore Financial Centre located in Federal Territory Labuan as a wholesales or corporate banking booking centre. It was established since 1991, when Bank Negara Malaysia granted an offshore banking license, as a direct branch of Standard Chartered Bank PLC, London. Its operations officially commenced on 30th December 1991 as an Offshore Booking Unit. Standard Chartered Bank, Offshore Labuan offer to its client’s variable products from traditional Fixed Deposits, Current Accounts, Islamic Deposit and Financing, Fixed Loan, and Revolving Loan financing up to comprehensive modern products included Structured Financing, Structured Trade Finance, project Finance, Syndication Arranger, Secondary Loan Trading, Global Markets and Money Market instruments and Structured Deposits. The main targeted clients are of large corporate, global and multi-national entity.
Product and Services Offered
Conventional :
  • Credit Facilities
  • Deposits
  • Currency Offered : HKD / SGD / BND / EUR / JPY / USD / GBP
  • Remittances / Funds Transfer
  • Trade Services including Standby Letter of Credit & Bank Guarantee
    Islamic Banking
  • Financing
  • Deposits
  • Currency Offered : HKD / SGD / BND / EUR / JPY / USD / GBP
  • Remittances / Funds Transfer
  • Trade Services including Standby Letter of Credit & Bank Guarantee
    2024 © Association of Labuan Banks, Malaysia